Polyurethane Injection Grouting
What is Polyurethane Injection Grouting?
Polyurethane Injection grouting is a technique that involves the injection of expanding polyurethane to cut-off water flow through concrete joints or cracks or to fill voids under slabs or behind concrete walls.
The grout is injected under low/high pressure through a pre-drilled hole. The grout then expands to fill the crack or void. This PU Grouting is used for expansion joints and concrete cracks that are actively leaking.

Our Speciality
We specialise in Polyurethane Injection Grouting to seal water-bearing cracks and joints in concrete, screed or masonry and Epoxy Injection Grouting to bond cracks in concrete and restore structural strength.
Our 5 steps PU injection Grouting Procedure

Polyurethane Concrete Crack Injection Technique

Cracks are created by drying shrinkage, thermal movement, and other causes. If minor, they will cause no immediate problems. But over time, minor cracks often grow larger and cause major headaches, including reduced structural integrity or water leakage.
Over 95% of residential cracks are non-structural – the only problem is the seepage of water. A polyurethane concrete crack injection does not add structural strength; it just forms a barrier impenetrable to water.
Polyurethane resin remains flexible, which allows for continuous natural movement of the concrete due to thermal shrinkage and expansion or settling. It bonds tenaciously to dry or wet concrete. It can be used to repair wet or even leaking cracks. The polyurethane polymer forcefully expands, which ensures that the full depth and length of the crack is filled.
We use Polyurethane that can expand over 20 times its volume. If there is a void on the backside of the slab/wall, it will fill it too – there is no way for water to ever find the crack again.
The polyurethane polymer has low viscosity to fill hairline cracks but expands to fill wide cracks (up to 3/4 inch, 20 mm) too. Our range of Injection Grouting Solutions is ideal for filling up the cracks in structures and bonding concrete and other materials permanently. We use modern techniques and equipment for developing our injection grouting solutions.
Typical Areas for Polyurethane Applications

1. Cracks in concrete, masonry, solid stone walls. Cavities, rock pockets, prefabricated concrete parts, terraces, WC/Bathroom ceilings, terrace/sump water tanks, underground reservoirs, basements, swimming pools, elevator pits, side walls, construction and expansion joints, sea walls, pipe penetrations, etc….the list is endless.
2. Actively leaking cracks
3. Cracks where the walls are damp or wet
4. Previously repaired cracks that are leaking
5. Cracks caused by corroding reinforcing bars
6. Leaking tie-rod holes; Pipe penetrations
7. Leaking I-beam pockets; leaking underground structures
8. Holes in a wall where electrical conduits, water pipes or gas lines enter
9. Honeycombing; Seams created by a cold pour
Features & Benefits

- Water resistance and moisture tolerance
- Non-shrinkable, Strong bond with the contact surface
- Pressure grouting method is widely and successfully employed all over the USA and Europe
- Ideal for Repairs and Waterproofing applications for Heritage buildings, Temples, Churches
- Repairs done without breaking any tiles, floorings, furniture or any other structure whatsoever at the source of leakages (the upper floor’s bathroom/toilet, open terrace)
- Restores structural strength of concrete structures.
- Non-toxic, Potable Water compatible, non-biodegradable, Insect-proof
- Cost-effective solutions. Repairs completed within 6 hours.
Talk to us
Have any questions? We are always open to talk about waterproofing solutions and how we can help you.